Juice and Joy

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dizzying Long Weekend

I've been battling vertigo all day. It was bothersome yesterday and less so on Saturday. Today has been rather uncomfortable. For those who don't know, vertigo isn't about heights. It's about the being dizzy (and thus, nauseous). My patience with this nuisance of a "disease" has grown thin.

All day I have had spouts of vertigo and nausea. I googled vertigo and found some exercises that are supposed to help for those with Benign Positional Vertigo (which is what I believe I have). David helped me with the exercises that consist of laying down, tilting your head and rolling your body and then sitting back up. We figured out it's my left ear that has the problem, but aye, those exercises were horrid in that they caused the vertigo and major nausea. I'm supposed to do them three times/day, and hopefully in 10 days (or less!), I'll be well. I'd like to think that I'll be feeling better before 10 days. I will do the exercises again tonight and hope for the best.

Now, running with vertigo is really interested. Saturday, my long run was a short 7 miles. Within 1/2 mile, I was spinning and had to stop and brace against a tree. Gayatri and Snowdene were with me and encouraged me to walk, but I wasn't going to let the vertigo win. I wanted to do this run and build confidence for 3M. I had a few more brief episodes of vertigo during the run, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

I ran a two mile warm-up, and then the next 3 miles I ran a target pace for the 3M half. I think that pace is the slowest I'd like to run b/c I really feel like I could run it faster. I just don't know how to run with pain (you know, the regular pain of running hard). I worry I'll give up and slow down, but I'm going to do my best to not let that happen. The final two miles were a nice slow jog with Gayatri and Snowdene. We finished with 4 strides, and then I got my IT band massaged (had to lay down on the table which brought on the vertigo). The masage gals told me not to ice an IT band but rather treat it with heat. Doh! I've been icing it all week, so now I'll switch to heat and won't feel so guilty about my hot bubble baths that feel so darn good after a long run in cold, cold weather.

Sunday we visited the Capital with Elijah's Cub Scout den. I haven't been in years and years, and it was a neat trip. I think the highlight for the boys was the cool water fountain out front (south side of the capital). Gaby introduced that fountain to me a couple of summers ago on a long run. The water wasn't cool or tasty then, but it was water. The weather was lovely, and I always forget how beautiful the capital grounds are. Very picturesque. In fact, a Mariachi band was getting photographed on the grounds with the capital dome in the background.

Today I suffered through trying to be productive with vertigo. I debated going to class. David told me my goal was to be healthy for next Sunday's race. On that advice, I chose to run for 30 minutes around my 'hood rather than drive down to Austin High. I got a few dizzy spells running, so it as probably wise not to drive, especially in rainy weather with slick roads. I tried to visualize the race next week, and so far, I still am optimistic.

Off to put a heat compress on my knee/leg and try to avoid getting dizzy. Thank goodness for a wonderful husband who is picking my boys up from the neighbors, going to the grocery store, and making dinner. Now if I could just get him to make dinner while wearing his baseball pants...

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