Juice and Joy

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fast Times through Osmosis?

Catching up, huh? Story of my life.

Monday I missed workout so that I could run my long run that I never did it during our White Rock weekend. It was 7 miles around my 'hood. I really wanted to do the same pace as my last 7-mile solo run. The air was cool and damp, and I enjoyed a route that I haven't done in quite a while. My final time was just under 1:15, which is a tad faster than the last run. Woo hoo! These times give me confidence that I can run faster. Maybe I'm not getting slower (but the stupider is still up in the air, lol).

One splendid thing about missing class is that I finished my run at 6pm and came home to my family. We sat on the couch together and scoured an I-Spy book until David declared hunger. I offered to make breakfast for dinner, but he wanted to eat out. What the Sub-3 Man wants, he gets. It didn't feel like a Monday; it felt like a holiday family-night. Our dinner out was cozy and so relaxing - one of those family times when I literally feel flutters in my chest at how blessed I am.

Tuesday I didn't run. I don't remember why I didn't run or go to they gym. It was my last ACC class. I went to get my final grade with the boys in tow (David was at Fitness Life alternating between the lap pool and hot tub). I took them to the store with me and vowed to never take them to the store with me again. They were actually well-behaved, but I was tired and irritable. I'm such a grouch sometimes. Are you ever mean and can't stop yourself from being mean? Possibly this is the day I started not feeling well...not sure if it is allergies or what.

Wednesday was Tempo, but Holmes called me and asked if I was going to class in the cold rain. Yup, I replied. I hadn't been home yet, and we were just leaving piano lessons at 4:15pm. We drive in traffic, and Holmes calls again. "Is it pouring rain down there like it is here?" she questions. We talk and debate. I don't feel well, and I really do not want to run in rain and cold. I call Gilbert and get his voice mail, so back on the phone with Sarah, she tells me she's not going to class. I tell her about Thursday PM group, and she's going to run then.

I continue on through traffic still debating what to do. Gayatri isn't going to class, and I can predict that many will skip due to the weather. I honestly didn't even mind that it was Tempo, but I could not bear being cold after the run, driving home wet and cold, and then being cold the rest of the night. Gilbert calls me back at 4:40pm when we are pulling in the garage. He ribs me for trying to ditch out, but then tells me to not come because I'll never make it in time through traffic.

Still, I debate. I lament to David. I check the forum. It's 5pm, and I'm still thinking I could get my clothes on and try to get down there. If only I could beam directly home after the run. Come on, Science, can't we develop a teleportation system yet?

So, Sarah and I meet for Thursday's class. I've never attended a Tues/Thurs class, morning or evening. Aren't those classes full of fast people? Yup. We warm up after the group as Sarah needed to change clothes. We start our Tempo after the group as Sarah needed to visit the ladies' room before starting Tempo. Hah, blaming it all on Sarah, but it's true! My goal was to not let any 3 or 4-mile tempo runners pass me, but since they started several minutes before us, that was not going to happen.

We started out with Jennifer, who also skipped Wednesday to run in better weather. I had no real plan and honestly hadn't over-thought it like I always do. After the first 400m though, which was full of chatting, I sped up. Our last tempo, we talked the whole first mile, and ended up going slower than I'd like to go. I didn't look at my watch and chose not to hit the lap button at the 1/2 mile (I sometimes like to see my 1/2 mile splits to break it into 4 parts). I was running at a good pace that wasn't hard but was faster than...what? I don't even really know what to say it's faster than b/c it was surely faster than my long run pace.

I was in front of Sarah and Jennifer but not by much. I hit my lap button at the mile turn around, but I didn't look. I didn't want that number to affect anything about the rest of my run. I secretly hoped for a miracle pace, but I quickly settled on it being probably around a 10 minute pace. Anyway, I wasn't breathing hard enough for it to be a miracle pace.

I thought I was slowing down on the mile back. I tried not to let that happen. I thought of David's marathon, and how he ran 24.2 additional miles than I was doing. Good grief there is no reason for me to even wince let alone complain about this tempo run. After the half-mile marker, I was waiting for the sound of fast feet approaching, knowing that it was surely coming.

Fletcher passed me before the 1/4 mile marker. He was really breathing hard. Another Gazelle passed and then Michelle passed. All three were huffing and puffing and pushing it so hard. I was clearly not pushing myself as hard as they were pushing themselves. I had sped up a bit, but I wasn't ready for my final sprint. I also do not want to do a tempo pace that I can't maintain for a 5K.

Still, seeing them running anaerobically at that point did make me pick it up. I finished and was happy to see my final time of 19:15. That is my PR. I know eons ago I did 18:40 or something, but I have never come close to that again. That was a weird day that I was trying to keep up with a friend, so I honestly don't count it. Now 19:15 is my PR, and I felt good knowing that if I had pushed, I could have gone faster. Fast enough to do sub-19? I don't know. Probably, but I'm not sure I should do that just yet. I'd rather do it and it not all be anaerobic. My split times were 9:41 and 9:34 (rounded up), so my first mile was fast. I even managed a negative split despite going faster on my first mile. Also, Sarah ran her first sub-20 tempo!! She ran 19:35 (I think). Go Sarah! She'll soon be faster than me, and I'll be chasing her. :o)

Friday I felt horribly sick with allergies and then my stomach started hurting. I was actually doubled-over in pain Friday night. David got my running stuff together for me and printed the map of the route. He questioned how I was going to run if I couldn't stand. If I was fine in the morning, then I'd go run. If not, then no running.

My stomach felt okay until I ate my granola bar on the way to meet Gayatri and Barb. I hoped I'd be fine. Within the first 1/2 mile, my stomach really hurt. It slowly went away though, so I thought I was going to survive the long run. The pain and discomfort kept coming back though. I didn't want to stop when we ran past Runtex, but I wisely did. My stomach never felt right all day. I'm not sure what is causing it, and it's Sunday morning now and still bothering me.

I'm hoping to suffer through at least 5-7 miles today before the Gazelle party tonight. Oh, and I have not done one single bit of Christmas shopping. Yikes!

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