Juice and Joy

Monday, December 31, 2007

Fatty, flabby, lazy

Blah, blah, running, blah blah, long run.

Seriously now...

Christmas and the day after, I did not exercise anything other than my jaw and stomach. I actually was not well on the 26th and didn't get out of pj's until late, late in the day.

I made up for it Thursday by running a 3-mile loop in my 'hood with the boys on their bikes and David in tow. I finished in my fastest time, which was heart-warming since I was trying to run it at a comfortable pace that was ever-so-slightly difficult. I felt like a big chunk of flab running though, heavy with too much food and drink. I'm scared to weigh myself and confirm that I've gained a bunch of weight.

Friday we all went to Fitness Life, where I officially began my MS150 training. I rode a stationary bike for 20 minutes (hey, it's a start), and then did 20 minutes running on the treadmill followed by a 10 minute cool down walk. David was with me, and we both agreed that the treadmills are not accurate in min/mile. David thinks they are 30 seconds slow, which means you are running faster than they say. I confirmed this by pointing out that I had finished 2 miles in 20 minutes and yet I had not been set at pace that would allow that to happen.

Saturday was the freezing long run. I debated on wearing my pants, which aren't running tights but just the pants that match my running jacket. I figured I'd be fine and warm up so left without the pants. Mistake, mistake, mistake. Erin and I trailed Elizabeth and Leslie - story of my life. I got a cut on my leg somehow and didn't even know it because my legs were literally frozen.

I flagged Gilbert down on Exposition asking for him to get my pants and was told the sun was coming up and I would be fine. When we saw him several miles later at the water stop, I told him, "I still want my pants!" It was a fun run, and I was really trying to run a little faster. I don't know if I succeeded b/c my legs and feet were cold and I couldn't feel them.

I don't know how far we ran...supposedly 12.5 miles, but I am not sure that is right. It would be nice if that were true b/c it would mean I wasn't running super slow. I stayed for stretching in the aromatic annex building with Elizabeth as Erin went home. Leslie showed up a few minutes after us so stretched across the room from us.

You know something I love about Erin? She walks up some hills. I love it that it's not just whiny ol' me wanting to walk up hills every now and then. One hill, we both starting walking at the exact same time. How nice to be so in sync that we don't even have to ask, "Can we please walk for a few seconds?" or say "You go on ahead. I'm just going to walk for 20 seconds."

Today David is sick, so I did not go to any of the morning classes. I probably could have left the boys here with him, but that's not really fair to David when he's all pukey and unwell. I will take the boys with me to the gym, track, or Zilker later today. I really want to try mile repeats as Gilbert never lets our class do them. So per Erin, I'm going to tell Gilbert what I'm going to be running...a 3-mile tempo for one thing.

Happy New Year.

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