Juice and Joy

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday Morning

Why is running on a treadmill so horrific for me? I honestly think treadmill pace/mile times are off. G-tree and I have had this discussion before, but I think I'm running faster than the treadmill shows. How, you ask? Well, my breathing is a good indicator. I sort of know when I'm huffing and puffing, and it seems every time I'm on a treadmill and just want to jog for 30 minutes, I'm gasping to keep up with the belt. Then I look at the screen and curse treadmill makers everywhere for displaying those pace/mile times anyway. I already think I'm slow, but I don't need a treadmill displaying some snail's pace in my face to let me know that I'm ultra-slow.

Enough of that. I can say that I'm very proud of myself for waking up at 6am while in Ft. Worth for a conference and going down to the hotel gym to run. The treadmill did have a new feature for me; it showed a birds-eye view either a track, hill, or 5K route while I ran.

I was away from my family for about 3 days for the first time ever. I have never been away from all three of my boys at the same time. I think they missed me more than I missed them. I did miss them, but the conference was busy, and I had no idle time to really pine away.

For years and years, almost every night I turn my lamp off beside my bed after reading. If I'm not terribly tired, I will think to myself, "One day I won't turn this lamp off." Some nights, I will think, "One day, I won't be laying in this bed, falling asleep." I'm not talking about moving. I'm not talking about getting a new lamp or bed. It is the blight I was born for.

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  • Hey there "built for comfort." Don't feel bad. You do actually run faster than the treadmill shows. There was a good article in Runner's World that explained how that is. Something about wind resistance, pavement, and grade changes. So keep your head up and your feet moving!

    By Anonymous Linda T., At 11/3/08 10:03 AM  

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