Juice and Joy

Monday, September 17, 2007

I do eat the cookies

To do or not to do...that is the question. As I'm busy all the time, I end up asking myself this question a lot. To clean the house or not? To do my homework or not? To go to Elijah's Cub Scout meeting or not? To run much-needed errands or not? Actually most of the time, the real question is "What thing do I do right now and what thing can I do later?"

So, last week I was out every evening. Monday I was at Gazelle class. Tuesday I have my college class. Wednesday I skipped Gazelles to go see my niece cheer in her first middle school football game. Thursday I had a team meeting for work. Friday I rocked out to The Killers with David. A true sign that I'm old is that I was exhausted Saturday morning from ACL. I didn't drink one drop of alcohol, nor did I get up at 5:30am to do my long run. In fact, I slept till 8am and was still tired all day.

Any of you with busy families can relate to juggling everyone's activities, needs, and wants. I am fairly good at taking care of everything and everyone, most of the time. The person that generally suffers is me (and housework). That is why I didn't run Tues-Sat despite having the best intentions.

Sunday morning I met Yvette at 8am for our long run. We did 7 miles on the trail - around to Longhorn Dam and back. We didn't have as many stops or slow downs as last week, and yet I thought our overall time should have been faster. I know we started out too fast, so maybe I was shuffling at the end.

Next week, we are going to try David's plan of starting super-slow and increasing speed so that by the end we are pushing hard. Our current plan is another 7-miler with the first 2 at a super-slow pace, the next 2 at our regular long-run pace, the next 2 at a comfortable pace that is faster than long-run pace, and the last mile at as close to Tempo pace as possible. I'm curious to see how we do.

My demons this week were mental. I just couldn't stop thinking about the distance as a whole rather than focusing on where I am at that moment. I can say that I prefer running Saturday mornings. It's nice to get it out of the way for the weekend, especially since we are such a busy family.

David came home Saturday from his run in severe pain with a shin splint. He blames tapping his foot/leg for an hour at The Killers show. He hasn't run since, so I know he's in pain. Think good thoughts for him, if you are so inclined. It's not like him to miss his Sunday recover run *and* the Monday morning Firecracker run.

So I come back to "What do I do first, and what can I put off for later?" Each day for about 3 weeks, I've been going back and forth on the course I'm taking through ACC. One day I am going to withdraw. The next day, I'm staying in the class. Lately, I've been changing my mind every few minutes. When I was in college and grad. school, I was single and childless. What a different world going to school with a family can be, and I give credit to those parents who are able to handle it all successfully. As of now, I'm still in the class. Ask me again later, and you might get a different answer. :o)

Speaking of...I need to do my homework, get Elijah to do him homework, go to running class, and then back home for all the regular family stuff and probably more homework/work for the preschool. All with the hopes if being asleep by 10pm. LOL!!!

Hoping to run more this week...and eat fewer cookies.

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