Juice and Joy

Monday, August 6, 2007

Friday Fforde-itude

Ah, what is better than a good ol' Moon Pie Track Meet on a Friday night? Well, for me, it was going to hear Jasper Fforde talk and get my book signed. First things first though: Moon Pie 3.

Joshua is 5.5 years old. He loves sports. He loves to compete. So, naturally, he loved his first Moon Pie meet a few weeks ago. This time, Elijah didn't want to run. Elijah is 7.5. He does not love sports. He does not love to compete.

Joshua ran 4 events and did the long jump. He did the 100m, 200m, 400m, and 800m. He was the littlest kid out there to run more than the 100. His times are amazing, too. He ran a 4:36 800m. I want someone with math skills to figure out what he'd be running if he were an adult. You know, his legs are half the size of the adults out there. And he's running against kids at minimum 3 years older than him and most of the time 5+ years.

Click here to see photos of Joshua's track meet adventures. Moon Pie 2 photos were taken from the 3StoriesRacing site...credit where credit is due.

I'm amazed at Joshua. He ran the 100m and then a few minutes later the 400m. While waiting for his next event, he watched the other races. He said, "I want to run again!" Aren't you tired at all? He even want to run again when I saw him at home at 10pm. That's what I called fortitude.

Elijah and I left the meet after Joshua's 400 race. We headed up to the Arboretum to hear Jasper Fforde. It was awesome, and he's so entertaining. I highly recommend his novels as they are great fun to read. I was trying to think of other *living* authors that I would go hear speak and get a book signed...the list is pretty small. Of course, I already went to Coach Gilbert's book signing. :o) < insert Gilbert's Gazelles plug here >

Elijah went up and down the escalator during the hour-long talk and my 45 minute wait in the book signing line. He wasn't playing on the escalator, rather just going to the kids' section and then back up to check in with me. When I was about the 10th person in line, he comes from the escalator with an awful look on his face. He stumbles over to me holding his knee and collapses at my feet, crying. He'd fallen at the top of the escalator. I look at his knee and see two very deep holes. My first thought is "Oh no, stitches."

I did what any great mom would do...I use the hem of my skirt as a bandage. Fortunately, all around were helpful and sympathetic. A Kind Dad offered a baby wipe, so my skirt was spared some. The manager brings a first aid kit, and Elijah's knee is bandaged and no longer bleeding. Phew...no stitches after all.

I've "lost" my place in line during this triage effort, but when Elijah is settled in a chair, I go back to where I was (now 3rd in line). I know the girl behind me didn't care as she had been behind me for 45 minutes.

My turn to see Jasper. All that I had been thinking to say doesn't come out. I just say hello and hand him my book. Elijah had come over to see what exactly goes on at a book signing. The Kind Dad comes up and tells Jasper that Elijah went through great tragedy to see this book signing. This sparks Jasper's attention. Jasper's wife was sitting next to him, and apparently had seen Elijah getting bandaged up, so she chimes in. Elijah is showered with Fforde attention. What is your name? How old are you?

Turns out Elijah is the youngest person to officially attend one of Jasper's book signings (someone who wants to be there and is interested). So, Elijah gets a postcard signed to him. Jasper says he likes Elijah's name b/c of the double dots on the i and j. I finally get the Fford-itude to ask him if he does his entire website, including the "Boss Approaching" button (which I think is hilarious).

Elijah ends up getting two books for facing his painful fall with great fortitude. Joshua gets a book as well, and we all lived happily ever after.


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